No More Overdue Fees!

The Bellaire Public Library is closing the book on overdue fees! There are many stressors in life. Using your library card should not be one of them. As part of this year’s Library Card Sign-Up Month, we are happy to announce that we will no longer be charging fines for returning library materials late. Outstanding overdue fees have also been wiped from existing patrons’ cards, so any overdue or lost materials may now be returned to the library without fines!

Going fine-free, however, does not mean that all penalties are removed for those failing to return library items. Cardholders will still be responsible for returning library materials and for payment of existing and future lost and damaged items. If items are not returned after repeated late notices, materials will be assumed lost and the borrowing privileges of the cardholder will be suspended until the items are returned or paid for. Items must also be returned to us in the condition they left the library, so that others can enjoy them as well. Patrons will still be billed for the replacement cost of items that are returned damaged beyond reasonable wear and tear and for lost or unreturned long-overdue items.

No More Overdue Fees

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