Copies, Faxes, & Scanning


A self-serve copying machine is available for public use near the circulation desk.

Prices for copies are:

  • .10 per black and white copy
  • .25 per color copy


The copy machine takes nickles, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills.


Library staff are able to fax documents for the public. Please ask for assistance at the circulation desk.

Prices for faxing are:

  • $1.00 per document up to 50 pages


Our self-serve copy machine allows members of the public to scan items directly to a thumbdrive. For those who are uncomfortable scanning items themselves, a member of the staff can scan an item for you. 

Prices for having staff scan items:

  • DOCUMENT AS A PDF: $1.00 per file, up to 50 pages
  • PHOTOGRAPHS AS IMAGES: $1.00 per photograph
Patrons can either provide a thumbdrive for the scan to be saved on, or ask library staff send the scanned file to an email address.

Prices for laminating:

  • $1.00 per page
Please ask for assistance at the circulation desk.
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