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BPL’s Lil’ Bookworm Story Times and Craft are designed for children ages 3 through Pre-K, though all ages are welcome. These programs typically run for about half an hour. Join Miss Bri for a story, a craft, and lots of fun this fall on Thursday evenings at 5:00 pm and Friday mornings at 10:30 am.

Download a pdf of the 2024 Winter schedule


  • Lil' Bookworms Winter 2024 scheduleThurs., Oct. 31 at 5:00 PM and Fri., Nov. 1 at 10:30 AM
    OWLS: Whooooo, whoooooo is the cutest animal in the forest? Not Baby Owl, or at least he thinks… until Mama Owl agrees! We’ll read “I’m Not Cute!” and then make an adorably cute owl with paper plates and cupcake liners.
  • Thurs., Nov. 7 at 5:00 PM and Fri., Nov. 8 at 10:30 AM
    MOOSE: Take a wild trip with two ducks and a moose, then make a moose craft using your handprints as antlers!
  • Thurs., Nov. 14 at 5:00 PM and Fri., Nov. 15 at 10:30 AM
    FOX: These are too smelly! These have holes!! These don’t match!!! Help Fox find the right pair of socks, then learn about words that rhyme making a paper bag “Fox with Socks” craft.
  • Thurs., Nov. 21 at 5:00 PM and Fri., Nov. 22 at 10:30 AM
    THANKSGIVING: Henrietta Hen and her friends have cooked up lots of Thanksgiving treats. Find out what each animal has brought to the feast, then make a turkey dot painting!
  • Thurs., Nov. 28 NO PROGRAM (Library closed for Thanksgiving)
  • Fri., Nov. 29 at 10:30 AM
    MOUSE: Mouse has everything she needs for a house, but there’s one thing missing: company! Help her find some friends, then make your own mouse friend to take home to your house.
  • Thurs., Dec. 5 at 5:00 PM and Fri., Dec. 6 at 10:30 AM
    CHRISTMAS: Celebrate Christmas with Bluey and Bingo, then decorate your own Christmas cookies! (Allergy Note: store-bought sugar cookies, red and green food coloring, vanilla frosting, and sprinkles will be used.) Wear your Christmas pajamas!
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