Library Closed on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Bellaire Public Library 330 32nd Street, Bellaire, OH, United States

The Library will be closed on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 20. Writing in The Washington Post in 1983, Coretta Scott King provided a vision of how the holiday honoring her husband should be observed: "The holiday must be substantive as well as symbolic. It must be more than a day of celebration . […]

Event Series Ohio Valley Promenaders

Ohio Valley Promenaders CANCELED FOR JAN. 21

Bellaire Public Library 330 32nd Street, Bellaire, OH, United States

TONIGHT'S JAN. 21 EVENT CANCELLED DUE TO COLD WEATHER! The Ohio Valley Promenaders offer line dance and square dance lessons on Tuesdays in the Community Room on the lower level of the Bellaire Public Library. The lessons are open to all ages. While many of the Promenaders are seasoned pros, the group is always accepting […]

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