World Book Timelines
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The 1980s in America
This encyclopedia is a much-needed source of reliable information for today’s students, all of whom were born after the decade ended. It features long overviews and short entries discussing people, […]
The 1970s in America
The Seventies in America contains 672 essays, in alphabetical order, ranging from 500 to 3,000 words in length. Written with the needs of students and general readers in mind, the essays present […]
The 1950s in America
The Fifties in America surveys the events and people of all of North America during the 1950’s.
Ohio History Connection
The Ohio History Connection, formerly the Ohio Historical Society, is a statewide history organization with the mission to spark discovery of Ohio’s stories. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization chartered in […]
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Great Lives from History: Notorious Lives
Notorious Lives includes 637 biographies of notorious personages, from the merely controversial to extremely negative, from ancient times to the present and worldwide, with emphasis on their roles in historical […]
Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1971-2000
The events covered include the curriculum-oriented geopolitical events of the era–from World War I (1914-1918) and the Russian Revolution (1917) to the rise of the German Nazi Party, the Spanish […]
Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1941-1970
The events covered include the curriculum-oriented geopolitical events of the era–from World War I (1914-1918) and the Russian Revolution (1917) to the rise of the German Nazi Party, the Spanish […]
Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1901-1940
The events covered include the geopolitical events of the era–from World War II (1939-1945) and the Holocaust to the formation of the United Nations and the start of the Cold […]