Research Databases

Proquest's African American Heritage database

African American Heritage

Search records, books, serials, and other historical records specific to African Americans to trace your genealogy or to do research. ProQuest® African American Heritage is a groundbreaking digital resource exclusively

Proquest's Ancestry dot com Library edition. For in-library use only.

Ancestry Library Edition

In-Library use only:  You must be in the library to access this database. Ancestry® Library Edition, distributed exclusively by ProQuest and powered by, delivers billions of records in census

BPL Newspaper Archive

Bellaire Newspaper Archive

The Bellaire Public Library’s online newspaper archive collection has been created from the digitization of our microfilmed newspapers. Microfilm from 1873 to April 2024 may still be viewed at the library. From

Belmont County GIS Maps

Belmont County Geographic Information System (GIS) mission is to provide broad access to geospatial data and applications throughout the County and to the public. Types of maps digitized: Right-of-Way maps

Biography Reference Bank

Biography Reference Bank

Access biographical information on more than 335,000 people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines. Biography Reference Bank allows students and library patrons to quickly find the biographical

Ebsco Business Source Premier

Business Source Premier

Boost your business knowledge by researching company and industry profiles, country and market research reports, and trade journal magazine articles.

Salem Press Careers In series

Career Reference Guides

Get online access to our career reference guides.* These comprehensive guide books are specifically designed for a high school and undergraduate audience and are edited to align with secondary or

Chilton Library provides online access to Chilton Auto Repair Manuals and Schematics

Chilton Library

  Fix your car, truck, van, or SUV with these diagnostics, maintenance schedules, wiring diagrams, and step-by-step repair procedures. The online portal has repair, maintenance, labor time estimates, and bulletin/recall

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

Chronicling America

Search America’s historic newspaper pages from 1789-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Local papers available through Chronicling America: BELMONT COUNTY,

College Consensus

College Consensus

Published rankings of the best colleges and graduate schools based on an aggregate method of both student and publisher perspectives, along with scholarship and test prep information.

Consumer Health Complete

Browse medical, health-related and drug reference books. Read articles on health and fitness. Find sources for alternative health information.

Digital Public Library of America

Historic digital collections from libraries, museums, and archives across Ohio and more. The DPLA portal to photographs, maps, documents, and AV materials from across the country is a great starting



Let your research begin with EBSCO! Search THOUSANDS of magazines, academic journals, newspapers, reference books, photos, and maps on MILLIONS of topics.

Ebsco's Explora Secondary Schools resource for research grades Kindergarten through 5

Explora Primary Schools

A trustworthy environment for students and educators in grades K through 5 to look up facts for class projects or homework.

Ebsco's Explora Secondary Schools resource for research grades 6 through 12

Explora Secondary Schools

Grades 6-12: A far better alternative to websites and search engines for students to look up articles and facts for research papers or homework.

Bellaire Public Library is a FamilySearch affiliate.

Family Search

In-Library access only – must create your own account but will be able to access locked materials from the Library computers or wi-fi. FamilySearch is the largest genealogy organization in the



A premier collection of historical U.S. military records that brings to life the details of America’s military veterans with stories, photos, and personal documents.

Great Events from History: The Nineteenth Century

The 667 chronologically arranged essays cover the world’s most important events and developments from 1801 through 1900 in the century that witnessed the Industrial Revolution, imperialism, colonialism, a realignment of world nations, Romanticism, and

Great Lives from History: Notorious Lives

Notorious Lives includes 637 biographies of notorious personages, from the merely controversial to extremely negative, from ancient times to the present and worldwide, with emphasis on their roles in historical



Search census records, books, serials, and other historical records to trace your genealogy.

Hobbies and Craft Source

Hobbies and Crafts Source

Find “how-to” instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast.

Home Improvement Source

Home Improvement Source

Home Improvement Reference Center features full-text content from leading home improvement magazines, images not found anywhere else online and videos of popular home repair projects. Topics include: Electrical Flooring, Walls

Library of Congress maps

Library of Congress Maps

Early maps of Bellaire are available online through the Library of Congress’ collections, including full-color Sanborn insurance maps.

Literary Reference Source

Literary Reference Source

Research an author, novel, or poem for school or personal interest. Learn more about a literary movement for book discussions. Literary Reference Source gathers information about well-known authors and their

Novels Into Film: Adaptations & Interpretations

Novels Into Film: Analysis & Interpretations offers a unique look at how a story makes its way from the printed page to the screen. The 100 novels covered in this work represent a wide range of years, genres,

NuWav Legal Documents

The online tool that lets you create professional-quality documents in three simple steps: 1. Search for the document specific to your situation. 2. Answer the questions in the web input

Ohio History Connection

Ohio History Connection

The Ohio History Connection, formerly the Ohio Historical Society, is a statewide history organization with the mission to spark discovery of Ohio’s stories. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization chartered in

Ohio Laws & Administrative Rules

Ohio Law

Ohio’s Official Online Publication of State Laws and Regulations provides access to Ohio’s Constitution, the Ohio Revised Code, and the Ohio Administrative Code. The Constitution is the state’s highest law

Ohio Means Jobs

The Ohio Means Jobs website helps job seekers find great careers and employers find great employees. Job seekers can do everything from plan a career, search hundreds of thousands of

Ohio Memory website

Ohio Memory

Established in 2000, Ohio Memory is the collaborative statewide digital library program of the Ohio History Connection and the State Library of Ohio. On this free website, you can explore

Ohio Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps

Ohio Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps

Founded in 1867, the Sanborn Fire Insurance maps were produced nationwide for insurance agents to use in quoting fire insurance policies. However, today, the maps are used by researchers to

Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Find reliable introductory resources for your research with Oxford Research Encyclopedias. Reference content in humanities, social sciences, and science. Current, peer-reviewed trustworthy research, with articles you can read in 30 minutes or less

Points of View Reference Center

Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this resource provides the basis from which students can realize and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and

Resume Templates

Resume Templates

Browse and download resume templates for free. Find professional resume templates written by a resume writing expert, plus guides on how to write a resume that lands interviews. Expertly crafted

Science Reference Center

Contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other sources.

Small Business Reference Center

Offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. Includes business videos, a help and advice section

The 1950s in America

The Fifties in America surveys the events and people of all of North America during the 1950’s.

The 1980s in America

This encyclopedia is a much-needed source of reliable information for today’s students, all of whom were born after the decade ended. It features long overviews and short entries discussing people,

Very Short Introductions

Very Short Introductions

An excellent way to get a quick, authoritative, and accessible overview of a subject. Very Short Introductions offer concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects. Expert authors

Village of Bellaire Municipal Offices

Look up Village ordinances, download plat maps and tax forms, access a directory of Village businesses, view upcoming events, and more from the Village of Bellaire website. Download Village of

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