Community Rooms

Community Activity room

A large community activity room is, for a fee, available to rent when not in use by the library, along with a smaller “table” room. Both can be reserved by calling the library (740-676-9421) or by stopping by at the circulation desk during regular library hours. Please be sure to review the fee schedules below for the Community Activity Room and the Table Room before booking a reservation.

Saturday reservations can be made for events between 9 am and 3:30 pm. The event is required to end by 3:30 and everyone out following clean up by 5 pm. 

Payment is required at least one week in advance of the scheduled date. If payment has not been received by the Monday of a weekend event, the reservation will be canceled if the payment is not made by Tuesday. 

The Community Activity Room can accommodate a large number of people, with a maximum capacity of 240-280 (chairs only – with tables, maximum capacity is 120-140). Chairs and tables can be set up by library staff for different functions. Ten 60″ round tables (5′ diameter, accommodate 6 chairs each) are available and ten 72″ long rectangle tables (6′ long, accommodate 8 chairs each) are also available for use in the Community Activity Room. A small kitchenette with passthrough to the Community Activity Room is also available for use. 

Please view the schedule below of usage fees for the Community Activity Room.

Private Social Function (bridal shower, baby shower, birthday party, family dinner, etc.).
No admission fee to function.
Sunday Function (no more than five hours).

($250 plus $75.00 paid directly to staff member on call)

Public Meeting — admission, primarily or partially social.
If food is served or a collection taken or admission charged, and public is invited, it is a public meeting.
Funeral Luncheon — private organization — during library hours.
Not for entertainment, not for fundraising, no food.
Public Service Meeting — not for entertainment, not for fundraising, no admission fee, during library hours.
Primary aim is public information.
Church Service — private organization, no admission, not for entertainment, not for fundraising, serving no food.$50.00
Use of room on day prior to rental, during library hours, for decorating or set-up purposes$20.00
Table Room if used for a cloak room with any of the above$20.00
Use of audio-visual system and microphone$50.00
Use of microphone only$15.00
Use of microphone only$15.00
Digital Sign Fees (Non-Profit — up to 5 days prior to event)$50.00
Digital Sign Fees (Social events only w/ room rental — on day of event only)$25.00

*Equipment beyond what is listed is not available for public use.

Table room

A smaller Table Room is also available to rent during library hours. Please view the schedule below of usage fees for the Community Activity Room. 

Any meeting with admission during library hours $25.00
Public Service Meeting — no admission, not for fundraising, of more than three hours, less than eight hours, during library hours $25.00
Public Service Meeting — no admission, not for fundraising, of less than three hours, during library hours $15.00
Any meeting with food or drinks $25.00

Days Community Activity room is booked

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